Discover Santander

How we engage and empower our customers to have their best possible auto-finance experience

How to reduce stress
February 4, 2019

How to reduce stress about making your car payments on time

Financing a vehicle is a big commitment. In most cases, it’s one of the largest financial obligations people have, second only to a home mortgage or, perhaps, student loans. Santander Consumer USA (SC) wants to make it as easy as…

Make life easier
January 28, 2019

Make life easier with MyAccount at Santander Consumer USA

A lot of customers – and more than a few interested non-customers – make life easier by visiting the Santander Consumer USA (SC) website. Over the past year, an average of 21,000 people used the site each day, which plays…

Find out what you need to know about Santander Consumer USA
January 14, 2019

Find out what you need to know about Santander Consumer USA

It’s about time. That is, it’s time to stop wondering, visit our website and find out what you need to know if you have questions about Santander Consumer USA (SC). We’ll tell you most everything about SC, whether you’re a…

Everything you need to know
January 7, 2019

Everything you need to know about how we empower customers

It can be a challenge. That is, communicating with a big company such as Santander Consumer USA (SC) about everything you need to know from and about the auto lender. But it’s especially important when you owe the company thousands…

SC aims to make car buying, financing more convenient – and faster
February 9, 2018

SC aims to make car buying, financing more convenient – and faster

A win for car shoppers. That means getting three things they crave from dealerships and lenders: convenience, efficiency and transparency in researching, financing and purchasing a vehicle. And these are what Santander Consumer USA (SC) seeks to provide shoppers through…