
Santander Consumer USA is committed to being a part of the communities in which we do business by participating in activities and supporting organizations that make a positive and measurable impact.

Service to our communities is woven into the Santander Consumer USA culture. We help address difficult challenges by utilizing our associates’ skills, passions and abilities to contribute in practical and meaningful ways to community success.

Earth X VolunteersSC volunteers at EarthX 2019

Our associates engage in service-oriented activities with their 16 hours of volunteer paid time off every year. Volunteers participate in various activities that may range from collecting donations for those in need to mentoring programs for youth, contributing to financial literacy and supporting military veterans. Team members are always eager to give back to our communities.


Santander Consumer USA paid time off fosters community spirit and engagement to encourage associates to volunteer for charitable causes and organizations about which they are passionate.

Community Investments

Santander Consumer USA is committed to being a part of the communities in which we do business by participating in activities and supporting organizations that make a positive and measurable impact. This includes investing in agencies that provide for positive social and cultural change via the Santander Consumer USA Inc. Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity established in 2004.

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In the Community

SC Foundation grants ‘instrumental’ in getting nonprofits on the road
August 7, 2020

SC Foundation grants ‘instrumental’ in getting nonprofits on the road

It just makes sense that an auto lender’s charitable foundation would be “instrumental” in getting nonprofits on the road to meeting the needs of their communities. Santander Consumer USA Foundation grants have helped support community organizations from Dallas, TX, to…

Volunteer working with students
February 7, 2020

How many volunteers does it take to make a difference?

Even two volunteers can make a difference. That’s what Kelli C. and Amanda B., Santander Consumer USA (SC) associates, learned when they helped about 20 high school students recently at “visioning day” for a Dallas bus stop art project. Students…

In the Community

Food bank volunteers recognize power in acts of kindness

It just makes sense that an auto lender’s charitable foundation would be “instrumental” in getting nonprofits on the road to meeting the needs of their communities.
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$1.3 million in relief funds from SC Foundation go to community organizations in need

Uncertain times are more secure for non-profit organizations in SC’s home communities as a result of recent donations from Santander Consumer USA Foundation.
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How many volunteers does it take to make a difference?

Students from Lake Highlands and Lincoln high schools, located in Richardson and Dallas school districts, respectively, worked on creating vision boards for Bus Stop Project art that would be completed by a local artist for a bus stop near Lake Highlands High School.
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Get in Touch

For more details about Santander Consumer USA’s community volunteer program contact: