Discover Santander

How we engage and empower our customers to have their best possible auto-finance experience

Volunteer gets a hug
July 22, 2019

How communities will gain from $680K in SC Foundation grants

Volunteering is one way Santander Consumer USA (SC) contributes to the communities in which we live and work. The Santander Consumer USA Foundation is another. With grants totaling $680,000 in the second quarter of 2019, the foundation will help with…

Santander volunteers support ‘safe haven’ for LGBTQ youth
July 10, 2019

Santander volunteers support ‘safe haven’ for LGBTQ youth

A safe haven. Santander Consumer USA (SC) offered members of the Embrace Diversity Network in Mesa, AZ, the chance to help provide that by volunteering at a recreational center for LGBTQ youth. “I’ve been looking forward to working with an…

How to make your car payment easier with user-friendly MyAccount
June 3, 2019

How to make your car payment easier with user-friendly MyAccount

Making your monthly car payment used to be, well, complicated. Even when money was not an issue. Fortunately, that’s not true anymore when you discover how to make your car payment easier with user-friendly MyAccount at Santander Consumer USA (SC)….

Good customer service is how we ensure you a smooth road ahead
February 18, 2019

Good customer service is how we ensure you a smooth road ahead

Good customer service really matters. Especially when you need help sorting out an issue with your auto lender. Santander Consumer USA (SC) is working hard to help customers who need it – whether that involves selecting a method of making…

Long-term relationship
February 11, 2019

A long-term relationship with your auto lender starts here

We walk the talk. If the talk is about a long-term relationship with Santander Consumer USA. From our website to social media to email newsletters, blog and customer service, you’re never far away from Santander Consumer or from reaching us…