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How we engage and empower our customers to have their best possible auto-finance experience

The Road Ahead should be smoother on redesigned SC website
January 8, 2018

The Road Ahead should be smoother on redesigned SC website

Am I in the right place? Visitors to the Santander Consumer USA (SC) website could be forgiven for wondering when they arrive the first time at the redesigned homepage. “The Road Ahead | Your Journey to Car Ownership” aims to…

Get an insider’s view of Santander Consumer USA’s new location
June 26, 2016

Get an insider’s view of Santander Consumer USA’s new location

A look inside. That’s what a new Santander Consumer USA video provides. The company’s new Mesa, AZ, call center officially opened recently with several hundred customer-service associates with plans to grow to nearly 1,000. While the video shows a “growing,…

Santander Consumer USA puts down stakes in Mesa, AZ
May 5, 2016

Santander Consumer USA puts down stakes in Mesa, AZ

Welcome to Mesa. That was the message delivered to Santander Consumer USA from the Arizona city at Tuesday’s official opening of operations that eventually will employ nearly 1,000 people in its Fiesta district. “We are excited to be part of…