Privacy & Security
Privacy and Opt-Out Notice
Below are our Privacy Policies that explain how we collect, use and protect your personal information. You are encouraged to read each policy by clicking on the links below.
This Notice applies to customers, applicants and former customers of the Santander Consumer USA companies listed in the Notice. It details our privacy and security practices regarding our relationship with you.
Additional Information for CA Customers:
California Consumer Privacy Act
The California Consumer Privacy Act is a bill intended to enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California, United States which goes into effect on January 1st, 2020.

Identity Protection
If you believe you may have been a victim of identity theft, please reference the FTC site at for additional information. You also may click on the Identity Protection link below to learn more about protecting your identity from fraud.
If there are additional questions, please contact us at 888-222-4227.
Keeping your information and account safe
Santander Consumer USA treats you and your account with respect
We make it a priority to use our security tools to keep your identity, your information and your account safe. Respect translates into confidence that you can access your account from anywhere at any time and know your money and information is safe with is.
What Santander Consumer USA does to protect you
From account opening to account management, our features and services help keep you protected.
Fraud detection
At Santander Consumer USA, we are constantly improving our safeguards to protect you and your account. It’s important we have your current contact information so we can send you email alerts when we notice any unusual activity with your account. This also allows you to take full advantage of our simple self-service features. To update your contact information, please log in to your account and update your account under the Account Profile tab.
We will never ask you to provide confidential information through text or email.
If you receive an email or text with a request for this information from someone claiming to be a representative of Santander Consumer USA, please do not respond. Please be sure to delete the email and do not click on any of the provided links.
If you received email(s) that look suspicious and appear to be from Santander Consumer USA, please send them to
We will never call you and ask you to read back a One Time Passcode that was emailed or texted to you.
Again, if you receive a phone call requesting this information from someone claiming to be a representative of Santander Consumer USA, please do not read the passcode or disclose your Account Number. If you did provide a passcode over the phone, please call us at the number on your statement.
To update your contact information online:
Log in to MyAccount and update your account under the Account Profile tab.
What you can do to protect your accounts and information
Be aware of common fraudulent practices.
Phishing or Smishing:
Fraudsters will try to gain information that gives them access to your accounts in a number of deceitful ways including: emailing you messages intended to attract you and get you to click on a fake website, or texting messages intended to alarm you and get you to call fake call centers. In some instances, clicking the link opens the phone, tablet or laptop to malware, which allows the fraudster access to the device. In other instances, the link prompts a website or a phone call where the fraudsters pretend to be a legitimate business, like Santander Consumer USA, and ask for personal information they can later use to access accounts or open new fraudulent accounts.
As always, we will never ask you to provide confidential information through text or email. If you receive a request for this information from someone claiming to be a representative of Santander Consumer USA, please do not respond.
If you received email(s) that look suspicious and appear to be from Santander Consumer USA, please send them to
Identity Theft:
Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information, such as your name, Social Security number or credit card number, without your permission, to commit fraud or other crimes. The Federal Trade Commission has online guidance about the steps consumers can take to protect themselves against identity theft. You can access their site at this ID Theft Resource Center.
In the unlikely event you’re a victim of identity theft, we will work with you every step of the way to help resolve the problem. Contact us at 888-222-4227.
Take the following steps if you think you are a victim of identity theft:
- Close any affected account(s) and open new account(s).
- File a police report with local law enforcement.
- Report suspected identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission.
- Place a fraud alert on your credit file by contacting one of the three nationwide consumer reporting agencies.
Online personal and account protection tips
- Stick to secure sites. Secure sites have https in their URL address.
- Do not choose security questions when the answers are easily available in your social media accounts or can be accessed through public records.
- When answering your security questions, consider using standard answers that you will remember. For example, any question having to do with a pet would be answered with Smokey The Bear. Or, any questions that ask for a city would be answered with Marseille.
- When creating passwords consider choosing a phrase with rules that are easy for you to remember. For example, a phrase could be “I love to save@” and the rules could be replace “to” with “2” and replace “a” with “*” then add the first 3 letters of the company or website for which the password is created. Password for Santander Consumer USA would be Ilove2s*ve@San. Have fun creating your own pass phrase and rules!
- Store your Social Security card, passport, birth certificate, cards, checks and other identification in a secure location and carry them only when you need them.
- Be careful how you share information over the phone, in person, online, and on social media platforms.
- Collect your mail promptly and shred pre-approved credit offers, receipts, and other documents that contain your personal information.
- Sign up for paperless statements as accessing e-statements adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a log in for viewing.
Financial abuse
It’s a fact: the financial abuse of elder and vulnerable adults in our society is growing. According to Consumer Reports, the number of suspected cases of Financial Abuse of senior citizens reported by banks has more than doubled over the past five years. With an average of 10,000 Americans turning 65 a day, this unfortunate trend is expected to continue.
That said, all of us at Santander Consumer USA want to protect our customers from fraud. It is particularly egregious when fraud impacts elderly or vulnerable adults. The information below is designed to help our most vulnerable customers protect themselves from financial abuse. All of us have friends or family members who are important to us. This information will help keep them safe from financial abuse, so don’t hesitate to share it.
How to take action against financial abuse
What you can do to prevent financial abuse.
Here are things you can do to keep your money and information safe:
- Never give personal information out- including your social security number, bank account number, debit or credit card number, or any other financial information — to anyone over the phone unless you initiated the call and the other party is trusted.
- Never rush into a financial decision- Always ask and insist on details in writing and get a second opinion.
- Feel free to say no- After all, it’s your money.
- Check references and credentials before hiring anyone. Don’t allow workers to have access to information about your finances.
- Pay with checks and credit cards instead of cash to keep a paper trail.
- Trust your instincts- If something involving your finances doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.
- Get to know people at the institutions that handle your finances- build a relationship with the individuals who handle your financial accounts. They can look out for you and any suspicious activity related to your accounts, including auto finance.
What you should do if you are a victim of financial abuse.
You have the right not to be threatened or intimidated. If you believe someone is trying to take financial advantage of you:
- Contact Adult Protective Services
- Contact your local police.
- Tell someone at the financial institutions you work with.
What are the warning signs of financial abuse?
When looking out for friends and family, don’t ignore these “red flags”:
- ATM withdrawals by a person who has never used a debit or ATM card.
- New “best friends” accompanying a vulnerable adult to the bank or automotive dealership.
- Uncharacteristic attempts to wire large sums of money.
- Confusion, fear or lack of awareness on the part of any customer.
- Addition of names to cards or accounts.
- Sudden non-sufficient activity, unpaid bills, or other changes in financial condition.
- Refusal to make eye contact, or shame or reluctance to talk about the problem.
- Phone calls where it sounds like someone is in the background coercing the customer or speaking on behalf of them.
What to do if you suspect financial abuse of a friend or family member.
- Talk to elderly friends or loved ones if you see any of the signs mentioned above. Try to determine what is happening with their financial situation, such as a “new” person helping them with money management, or a relative using cards or credit without their permission.
- Report the suspected elder financial abuse. Visit the friend or relative’s bank and ask to speak with the person who handles suspected financial abuse claims.
- Contact Adult Protective Services in your town or state for help. You can find the office closest to you here
- Report all instances of elder financial abuse to your local police; if fraud is involved, they should investigate.
Scams by complete strangers
Here are typical scams that target seniors and disabled adults. Don’t be fooled.
- Lottery and sweepstakes – You’re called and told: “You’ve already won! Just send $2,500 to cover your taxes.”
- Home repair/traveling con men -“We’re in the area and can coat your driveway/fix your roof.”
- Grandparent con -You’re called and told your grandson is in jail and you need to send money immediately.
- Charity scam -You receive a call from someone soliciting funds for good causes; very common after disasters.
- Utility worker con -You receive a knock at the door from a would-be utility worker who says, “I need you to come outside with me for a minute,” while an accomplice steals your valuables.
- Back taxes scam – You’re called and told that if you don’t pay your “back taxes,” your license or passport will be suspended.
- Fake checks -You receive a check for expenses associated for a job such as “mystery shopping” with instructions to deposit it and when it “clears,” pay expenses and keep the rest. Weeks later, the check is returned as counterfeit.
- Fake social media -Contacts establish an online relationship to ask for money, generally to help a stranded military officer get home or fix a problem they cannot solve because they are out of the country. Don’t go for it.
- Predatory lending – Seniors pressured into taking out inappropriate reverse mortgages or other loans.
- Rigged annuity sales – Seniors may be pushed into using the equity from a reverse mortgage or other liquid assets to buy an expensive annuity, which may not mature until the senior is well into their 90s or 100s.
More information
Staying informed is the best possible defense. Take the time to review the sites listed below:
Government Sites:
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Office for Older Americans
The Federal Trade Commission protects consumers from unfair and fraudulent business practices, ID theft, phone scams, and more:
- How to Prevent Phone Fraud
- How to Prevent ID Theft
- Money Matters
The FTC also offers tips on protecting yourself from fraud, interactive games to learn concepts and be a smarter consumer on issues of spyware, lottery scams, etc. here:
Tips on preventing fraud through wire transfers of funds:
Santander Consumer USA Resources
Santander Consumer USA Customer Service:
Report suspicious emails or calls by calling:
Review the Santander Consumer USA Privacy Policy:
View Privacy Policy
Report suspicious emails that appear to be from Santander Consumer USA to:
Additional Resources
Fraud Victim Assistance Division
Order your free annual credit reports from the three nationwide consumer reporting agencies through or call 1‑877‑322‑8228 and review them carefully.