Make life easier with MyAccount at Santander Consumer USA

A lot of customers – and more than a few interested non-customers – make life easier by visiting the Santander Consumer USA (SC) website.

Over the past year, an average of 21,000 people used the site each day, which plays out to more than 7.5 million users, almost 23 million visits and nearly 27 million page views, based on Google Analytics.

So, where are people going, you might wonder, and why does that matter to you?

Make life easier

Many visitors are customers who are managing their relationship with SC through MyAccount.

“Making it easier for our customers to make payments is our priority with MyAccount,” said Randy Bockenstedt, SC executive vice president of servicing strategy. “Our customers have too many other things going on in their lives to worry about making their car payments.”

Here’s what many customers know that tens of thousands of other SC customers may not know:

They can make payments, view statements, review payment history and account balances, obtain payoff information and even go paperless by signing up for Auto Pay.

“Those customers who have signed up for MyAccount see that it makes sense, because it makes managing their finances – and busy lives – easier,” said another SC executive. “It’s the best way that I know for a customer to stay on top of his or her Santander account details and to ensure everything goes smoothly with this important commitment.”

“SC helps hundreds of thousands of people get new and pre-owned vehicles each year, and MyAccount is just one way we make sure it’s a satisfying experience,” he said.

Signing up is easy as starting your new car, truck or SUV: Access MyAccount at the Santander Consumer USA website through a mobile device, tablet or computer, then provide some basic information, such as account type and number, birth date and ZIP code, and that’s it.

Once verified, you have access to everything you need to manage a Santander account. And you have access to your account information 24/7.

It’s our way of helping you make life easier.

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