Auto Finance

What you will need to know about financing a vehicle purchase

Improving your credit score may save you money on auto financing
October 21, 2014

Improving your credit score may save you money on auto financing

You could be paying hundreds to several thousand dollars more per year in interest on your auto financing for the bumps and bruises reflected in your credit score. And the bigger the bruises, the more you pay for lenders’ perceptions…

No evidence now of subprime auto lending bubble, Equifax says
September 2, 2014

No evidence now of subprime auto lending bubble, Equifax says

Subprime auto lending is not a bubble in danger of bursting like the subprime mortgage lending bubble that set off The Great Recession, despite predictions to the contrary, said a white paper by one of the Big Three credit bureaus….

Auto loans set record as Americans borrow to pay for new vehicles
July 30, 2014

Auto loans set record as Americans borrow to pay for new vehicles

More Americans owed more money on their vehicles than ever before – more than $902 billion almost midway through 2014 – but fewer are delinquent in making their payments, reports Equifax, the consumer data collection company. That total represents an…

How to buy a new car with bad credit
July 10, 2014

How to buy a new car with bad credit

Buying a new car with bad credit isn’t the easiest thing you’ll ever do. Then, again, it’s not impossible, either. “It’s possible to buy a new car with bad credit if you know where to look and how to prepare,” says…