Driving Experience

Going places: How the Interstate has paved the way for American drivers
July 25, 2016

Going places: How the Interstate has paved the way for American drivers

The Interstate. Two words that require almost no explanation. Officially the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, the nearly 48,000-mile, limited-access system has defined long-distance highway travel in America. Now it’s 60 years old. And showing…

Car hacking isn’t high on consumers’ radar, finds KBB survey
June 13, 2016

Car hacking isn’t high on consumers’ radar, finds KBB survey

Remember when those guys hacked that car from halfway across the country about six months ago? Well, if you don’t, you’re not alone. Nearly three-quarters of Americans did not recall that – or any other – instance of vehicle hacking…