Driving Experience

What if an Uber or Lyft showed up without a driver?
August 20, 2016

What if an Uber or Lyft showed up without a driver?

Five years. That’s when Ford thinks it will have a fully autonomous vehicle ready to go. And by fully autonomous, they mean no driver, no steering wheel, no gas or brake pedal. No way, you say? Yes, way. “The next…

What social media reveals about when, where and why of driver anger
August 16, 2016

What social media reveals about when, where and why of driver anger

It’s out there. Aggressive driving and its extreme variant, road rage. And there may be times, days and months when you’re especially likely to encounter it, according to a survey of Instagram social media posts using the hashtag #roadrage. Many…

Getting a grip on back-to-school driving
August 15, 2016

Getting a grip on back-to-school driving

It’s going to be chaos out there. So, with the school year about to start for more than 50 million children, we thought it would be helpful to remind motorists of the many challenges of driving not typical during the…