Auto Finance

What you will need to know about financing a vehicle purchase

A question worth asking if you’re seeking an online auto loan
September 9, 2016

A question worth asking if you’re seeking an online auto loan

Who do you trust if you’re shopping for an online auto loan? It’s a question worth asking, because there are many choices available to car shoppers. One answer you might consider is RoadLoans. Of course, you would expect the Santander…

The consequences of ‘credit fumble’ linger for young adults
February 18, 2016

The consequences of ‘credit fumble’ linger for young adults

Fumbling the football in a big game usually is a bad thing. Sometimes the consequences linger, although usually not for years, let alone a decade. But this can be the result of a “credit fumble,” or significant financial mistake, about…

Follow the Money — Part II
October 30, 2015

Follow the Money — Part II

In Part I of our Follow the Money report, we discussed the need for a personal spending plan. In Part II, we’ll put that plan to work. First, congratulations. You are definitely in the minority of people who actually map…

Follow the Money — Part I
October 29, 2015

Follow the Money — Part I

I like to read mystery novels, usually involving “Who done it?” To solve that question, most of the time you need to follow the money. The same can be said about your own personal spending plan. (Notice I didn’t use…