Auto Finance

What you will need to know about financing a vehicle purchase

What else you need to know about credit when financing a vehicle
June 5, 2017

What else you need to know about credit when financing a vehicle

Smart move. Getting your credit reports from the major bureaus puts you in a position to set reasonable expectations when you apply for financing on a vehicle. And to take advantage of the opportunity to positively influence your credit score….

A word you need to know if you’re financing a vehicle
May 17, 2017

A word you need to know if you’re financing a vehicle

Amortization? The word itself can create an uncertain feeling. But the more you understand amortization, the less intimidating it is and the more realistic you can be in getting and paying off – amortizing – your vehicle financing. Amortization happens over…

How to obtain the best financing for your next vehicle purchase
March 13, 2017

How to obtain the best financing for your next vehicle purchase

Shop around. And get preapproved. Those are among the keys to finding the best financing for your next vehicle purchase, according to the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). “As soon as you know your budget, shop around … Comparing…