New webpage helps customers keep up with our Coronavirus programs

Coronavirus graphic

Keeping up with developments in the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has been a challenge for everyone, including our customers.

But Santander Consumer USA is helping with a new dedicated webpage which provides up-to-date Coronavirus (COVID-19) information.

Our “We Care at Santander Consumer USA” webpage provides one source of solutions for our customers affected by the virus.

The rapidly evolving situation increasingly impacts both our work and personal lives in unprecedented ways, and Santander Consumer USA is making sure that our customers have access to essential information and programs during this time.

“The situation is changing so quickly that we really needed something robust to pull together all the information we wanted to share with customers,” said James Perez, marketing director. “We believe this site will fill a need – ensuring that we are keeping our customers up to date.”

The webpage features steps we’re taking to help, including “Support for our customers” and “Support for our people,” as well as payment information and advice and guidance.

This new landing page is supported by the Santander Consumer USA blog and social media channels comprising Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

“It is during these times our connections matter most,” said one associate featured on the one-minute video posted atop the new landing page.

“We want you to know, at Santander, we’re here and we care,” said another associate.

That is what the “We Care at Santander Consumer USA” webpage is all about.

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