In the Community

How our Associates and company give back to the communities in which we live and work

SC volunteer at JA Biztown
April 3, 2019

Santander Consumer volunteers share hearts with young and old

Big hearts. That’s what it takes for individuals (and companies) to make an impact in their communities. And so it is with Santander Consumer USA (SC) volunteers such as Zuandrea E., who recently used her company-provided Volunteer Paid Time Off…

Volunteers using PTO
January 16, 2019

Santander Consumer volunteers use PTO to serve their communities

Heartwarming. Humbling. Joyful. Perhaps, most of all, rewarding. Santander Consumer USA (SC) associates used words like that to describe volunteering for the Salvation Army, Girl Scouts, Special Olympics, North Texas Food Bank and other causes in 2018. The experiences clearly…