Driving Experience

Number of light vehicles on our roads ‘highest in history’
June 16, 2014

Number of light vehicles on our roads ‘highest in history’

Streets and highways seem more crowded than ever? It’s not your imagination. Almost 253 million light vehicles are operating in the United States, reports IHS Automotive research firm. That’s the “highest in [IHS] recorded history,” according to Richard Read at…

It’s costing less to drive your vehicle, AAA study reports
June 3, 2014

It’s costing less to drive your vehicle, AAA study reports

Lower gas prices and increased fuel economy have made it a little cheaper to operate your vehicle, according to a study by AAA. And that’s true whether you drive a car, SUV or minivan. The organization’s 2014 “Your driving costs”…

Auto sales zooming toward ‘peak’ within 10 years?
March 13, 2014

Auto sales zooming toward ‘peak’ within 10 years?

There was a time when car makers could see nothing but growth for the industry, especially as auto sales mushroomed in the developing world. But the end may be in sight for industry growth, according to a report by IHS…

Make New Year’s resolutions to drive safer in 2014
January 7, 2014

Make New Year’s resolutions to drive safer in 2014

It’s the beginning of a new year, so it must be time to follow through on your New Year’s resolutions for 2014. We hope that your resolutions include some safe-driving promises that you can keep during the time you spend…