Scenes from SCUSA’s World Cup watch event during USA match

The World Cup match between the U.S.A. and Germany was played in Recife, Brazil, but still drew a crowd to the Santander Consumer USA multi-purpose room, where TVs were available for associates to keep up with the results.

Some fans dressed the part in support of the U.S. team, while most of the crowd simply cheered each nail-biting tackle and exciting attack.

Even a fan wearing the distinctive yellow-and-green jersey of Brazilian soccer star Ronaldinho made an appearance in support of the United States. Ronaldinho himself was left off Brazil’s World Cup squad.

The sting of the 1-0 loss to Germany was soothed by results of the Portugal-Ghana game (which some also followed on mobile phones and laptops), which resulted in the U.S.A.’s advance to the Round of 16. And was celebrated with popcorn before afternoon matches.

World Cup

World Cup

World Cup

World Cup

Photos by Matt Hoffer

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