Car Shopping

Helping you become a better informed new- and used-car shopper

Your cheat sheet for new car shopping
September 17, 2014

Your cheat sheet for new car shopping

Looking for a new car (or used) is not always a simple thing. And it can get downright complicated if you’re not sure how to narrow down the choices. Among those complications is the simple fact that there are more…

What’s behind consumer move toward leasing of new vehicles
September 11, 2014

What’s behind consumer move toward leasing of new vehicles

If American drivers could have their way, buying or leasing a new vehicle would happen almost as often as they change the oil in it. Well, OK, that’s an exaggeration, but not by much. They would swap vehicles only as…

Customer satisfaction with carmakers lowest in five years, survey says
August 29, 2014

Customer satisfaction with carmakers lowest in five years, survey says

Are you satisfied with the car, truck or SUV you recently purchased? If not, you aren’t alone, based on results of a national customer satisfaction survey just released. Customer satisfaction with automobiles and light vehicles declined a second straight year…