Car Shopping

Helping you become a better informed new- and used-car shopper

Mainstream vehicles closing the appeal gap with premium models
August 16, 2017

Mainstream vehicles closing the appeal gap with premium models

Mainstream vehicles are getting more appealing. At least that’s what J.D. Power’s 2017 Automotive Performance, Execution and Layout Study (APEAL) purports to show. The rise is due to rapid improvements in vehicle technology and safety features, making them more comparable…

Chevrolet, four other brands get most love in Total Quality survey
August 7, 2017

Chevrolet, four other brands get most love in Total Quality survey

How do you spell quality? C-h-e-v-r-o-l-e-t, according to consulting firm Strategic Vision. Based on a survey of 42,000 new-car owners, the Detroit-based automaker captured five of 27 categories in Strategic Vision’s 2017 Total Quality Impact (TQI) awards. A total of…

Why and how you may find the right incentive to buy a new car now
August 4, 2017

Why and how you may find the right incentive to buy a new car now

It’s a good time to buy a new car. Sales are down. Incentives are up. New models are hitting showrooms. And the opportunity probably won’t end with the summer sales season. “Targeted incentives likely will continue rising this year as…

Teaching your teenager about financing their first vehicle
July 19, 2017

Teaching your teenager about financing their first vehicle

It’s time to think about getting your teen a vehicle. While all of those exciting trips, carpooling your child and 10 of his closest friends to basketball, soccer and football practice will be hard to relinquish, it’s time to let…