Auto Finance

What you will need to know about financing a vehicle purchase

Bad credit car loans put new, used vehicles within reach
May 6, 2013

Bad credit car loans put new, used vehicles within reach

Bad credit can get in the way of car shopping. Sure, it’s easier to get to get a car loan if you have good credit, but not everyone has good credit. “Some estimates show that 25 percent of American adults…

Getting past bad credit on your auto loan application
April 17, 2013

Getting past bad credit on your auto loan application

Your auto loan application often determines whether you drive home with a new car. The ideal auto loan candidate frequently has a large down payment and good credit score, and can anticipate approval for a favorable, low-interest auto loan. However,…

Low interest rates make auto loan refinance worth effort
April 3, 2013

Low interest rates make auto loan refinance worth effort

With auto loan interest rates in the low single digits on average for new- and used-car financing, it’s getting more and more painful to think about making high-interest, monthly payments. RoadLoans has an answer for that: auto loan refinance. And…

Buyers Rejoice - let us help you celebrate!
March 26, 2013

Buyers Rejoice – let us help you celebrate!

It is easier to rejoice when things are going your way. But it’s impossible to rejoice when your car breaks down on the way to work. Even worse when traffic is heavy and your bad luck is causing a backup…

What not to do: Some common car-buying mistakes
March 25, 2013

What not to do: Some common car-buying mistakes

The Internet and other information sources are full of tips on how to find the right car for your needs and then buy it without paying too much. But Matthew de Paula, writing for MSN Autos recently, offered a fresh…